NAVHDA Testing
After receiving my first pudelpointer from Bob Farris in 2003 I jumped in head first into the NAVHDA life. I have been a member of Southern Tier of NY NAVHDA since 2003 and have served multiple positions within the club. In 2019 I became a founding member of Central New York NAVHDA and currently serve as the Test Secretary. During this time I have trained for and successfully passed nine utility tests. Our greatest successes have been maximum 204 point Utility scores on both Ozzy (Cedarwoods Flyin High Again), as well as Emmylou (Windy Sage Born to Run). I have also maintained a personal Natural Ability Test average of 110.4 (out of 112 possible points) with eight of our personal pudelpointers. The success the pudelpointer currently enjoys has been built upon those breeders and dogs which have not only been successful in the Natural Ability (puppy) test, but also the finished dog, Utility Test. All of our personal gun dogs have, and will continue to, pass the NAVHDA Utility Test, and we would encourage other breeders to embrace this challenge as well.
We consider it a "feather in the cap" of a prospective puppy buyer if they have taken the initiative to research their local NAVHDA chapter. Through NAVHDA we have met the majority of our hunting partners and have expanded the list of our coverts and "X's" exponentially.
Daniel Kremers